Hurricane Season

By | September 25th, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

If a hurricane is predicted there is much to do in advance to prepare for the storm. All outside furniture and more must be secured. Once the storm has passed, the house must be checked to assess any damage and if there was a loss of power food must be removed from the refrigerator and [...]

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Painting and other Home Projects

By | September 12th, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

This is a great time of the year to address exterior paint projects i.e. trims, fences, gates, etc., and to power wash and seal coat the decks. It is also a good time to plan ahead for interior projects which can be done during the winter. We will be happy to provide you with an [...]

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It Is Still Summer….

By | September 1st, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

The summer season ended on Labor Day and the children are back in school, yet it is still summer and a beautiful time to enjoy the Hamptons. If you have chosen to escape the July and August crowd and are starting your vacation this month, call on us to take care of your home or [...]

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Labor Day

By | September 1st, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

All of us at A Votre Service! wish our clients and professional associates a Happy Labor Day! With the season ending we want to thank everyone who entrusted us with the care of their summer home. It was a pleasure servicing all of you and we hope to have helped in making your stay in [...]

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