Spring begins

By | March 7th, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

Don’t despair.....We are happy to report that spring officially begins on March 20th!

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St. Patrick’s Day

By | March 5th, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

To all our clients and professional associates, whether they are Irish or not, we wish them a fun day of festivities!

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Tic Spraying

By | March 3rd, 2014|A Votre Service! Hamptons Blog|

In the Hamptons the tick season is April through September. It is best to make arrangements in advance to make sure your property is serviced throughout the entire season. A Votre Service! works with a pest control professional who will provide an estimate and make his recommendations to control the tick population which, depending on [...]

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