With Halloween approaching I’m reminded of an episode of the Honeymooners in which Ralph and Norton compete for first prize for their costumes at a Halloween party (watch the full episode here—https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doDAfhbu‐‐U). Not to give too much away, but Norton dresses as Pierre François de la Brioski, the (fictional) designer and builder of the sewers of Paris, and as he says, “In the immortal words of Pierre François de la Brioski, ‘Un robinet qui fuit peut devenir un cauchemar!’ ” Well, that’s not exactly what he says, but in honor of Norton’s profession (plumber), I want to talk about plumbing issues.

Halloween Nightmares

If you will be away from your Hamptons home for an extended period, you should take advantage of A Votre Service’s house watching services. Our staff will inspect every room in your house for any plumbing issues, such a leaky faucets, pipes, or any water damage caused by storms. If there’s a sudden cold spell, we’ll be there to check for frozen pipes and make sure the boiler is running properly. In addition, we will look out for any other issues, including double checking the security system, lights, and being on the lookout for any signs of pests or unwanted critters. Just remember that we at AVS treat your house as if it were our own, and thus our inspections are always extremely thorough.

With our assistance we can make sure that your Halloween is a little less scary!
